Shipping and Delivery

  • International Taxes And Duties

    Shipping on international orders does not include applicable fees, taxes, and duty charges that are based on your own country's policy. There will most likely be a charge by the carrier/country for customs/tax charges (this occurs with any international order for any company).
  • What Countries Do You Ship To?

    North America United States, All US Territories, & Canada. Europe Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Swe...
  • When Can I Expect My Order To Arrive And How Much Is Shipping?

    | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | US Orders | Cost | Delivery Time | | Standard Shipping for orders under $50 | $5.00 | Delivered in 6-8 Business days | | Standard Shipping for orders over $50 | FREE | Delivered in 6-8 Business days | | Expedited Shipping | $24.99 | Delivered in 4 Business days | ...
  • Where Is My Order Number?

    Once you place an order, you will receive a confirmation email that includes your order number. If you can't seem to find your confirmation email make sure to check your spam / junk / promotion folder. The Order Number is usually a 6-digit number. If you need to contact us, please click the link...
  • Where Is My Tracking Number?

    Once your order has shipped, you will receive an email with your tracking number. If you feel like your order has been shipped and yet you still cannot find your tracking number, please check your spam / junk / promotion folder. If you need additional information, please click here for our conta...
  • Who Are Your Logistical Partners?

    We work with the United States Postal Service and FedEx.